S3, EP14: 5 Mistakes to avoid at your wedding
CategoriesWedding tips.19 Mar, 2023
On this episode of Project Engaged, we reflect on the last year or so of weddings we’ve played (almost 150 of them!) and share 5 common mistakes we see.
They’re not make or break, but they will have a material impact on your big day (especially if combined – yikes!). Avoid these mistakes and you’ll thank us later!
As always, thank you so much for listening to our poddy and we hope you enjoy!
Eddy: Welcome to Project Engaged, a podcast for fun loving couples planning their non traditional wedding.
Aleks: We’re wedding DJs Aleks and Eddy Mac from Melbourne. We run a business called One More Song, and our tagline is No More Nutbush.
Eddy: In this podcast, we’ll share our wedding experiences and chat to some of our past couples.
Aleks: We’ll also interview bold wedding suppliers who share our philosophy of your wedding being a celebration of you as a couple and wild. One epic party.
Eddy: Let’s get into today’s episode.
Aleks: Hello. And we’re back for another episode of Project Engaged. Welcome.
Eddy: I actually pointed at me to say the first thing because you did it.
Aleks: Last time, but you always do it.
Eddy: You’re catching up.
Aleks: Alright, I don’t want to argue. Anyway, it’s a dreary Sunday morning and we wanted to get an episode out because we’ve been committed to doing these weekly. So we’ve left it to the last day, but here we are.
Eddy: Yeah, I’ve been pushing for weekly. I don’t know, I just think it’s nice to have one every week.
Aleks: We’re going out with a couple of friends after this and, well, they’re more.
Eddy: Than just a couple of friends. Best friend or our sax player, Kenny. We’re having a few. I was getting some today.
Aleks: Yes. So, yes, we’ll see how that goes. I’m sure it’ll be a quiet one. But anyway, I haven’t got much time to get ready, so I was saying to Ed, oh, you sure? We can squeeze it in, but now I’m banging on about nothing, so let’s get on to it. Let’s do a weekend wrap up.
Eddy: All right. How are we feeling about this?
Aleks: No, I was hoping after my reaction last time you would get rid of it, but it stayed.
Eddy: I think it’ll grow on you.
Aleks: It’s lame anyway. It’s kind of comical. All right, let’s do it. So you had two this weekend?
Eddy: I had two this weekend. Unlike some part timers that I know that just had one, but that’s okay. So on Friday night, I found myself at the amazing post office hotel.
Aleks: Did you stumble there? I just found myself.
Eddy: Yeah, I woke up and I was just there in my tux. He’s very close to us. It’s about an eight minute drive. So with post office, I go in in the morning and I set all my equipment up and then I come back nice and refreshed, tucked up, ready to rock and roll. So this wedding was for Jordan and Anuk and I was joined by the amazing. It’s beautiful. Here. Cat and scout shout out to those guys. They’re so lovely. Really good night. Really, really fun.
Aleks: It looked fun.
Eddy: Yeah. They were up for a party. Anouk is Sri Lankan in background, so there were some Sri Lankan tunes later on in the night.
Aleks: How did they go?
Eddy: Really well. Yeah. So they had a dress change into some traditional Sri Lankan attire. I don’t know the name of it, but that’s as far as I can describe it. And, yeah, went off really, really fun.
Aleks: Awesome. And last night.
Eddy: And last night I found myself.
Aleks: I mean, this is a bit further.
Eddy: So Trawool estate, which is relatively new venue for us, they opened six weeks before the pandemic hit. So it was really unfortunate timing for those guys.
Aleks: It’s gorgeous.
Eddy: It’s really, really lovely.
Aleks: Where is it?
Eddy: Up north. In trouble.
Aleks: Oh, yes. It is actually true.
Eddy: It’s called the trouble estate, I think, precisely. So, yeah, really, really fun. This one was for Danny and Matt. I had Kimberly Moore. Kimberly Moore media as a videographer. And Allie Bailey was a photographer. I believe that she recommended us. So thank you so much, Ally, if that is the case. And, yeah, another great night. Just a lovely vibe. The oldies probably didn’t dance as much as they probably should have, but the young ones really stole the show from this particular wedding on Friday night. It was just everyone all in, which was awesome.
Aleks: You do get that sometimes.
Eddy: Yeah.
Aleks: That’s good.
Eddy: So that was really fun. And look, I did nerd alert. I did fulfil one of my dreams of playing the halo video game theme at a wedding. They did a guard of honour on arch as the last, very last thing before they headed out to the after party. And I spun the halo theme, which was really well received by the grim because he’s a massive halo fan.
Aleks: How does that go?
Eddy: I’m not gonna sing it. It’s very orchestral. You know it.
Aleks: I will. I’m sure I’ll know it every time.
Eddy: I fire up the Xbox. That’s what you’ll hear.
Aleks: Oh, okay. Yeah, it’s probably. I’ve drowned it out.
Eddy: Well, and the reason why I drew it like this is something I wouldn’t usually. It’s a little verge sound. A little bit tacky, I suppose, but I wouldn’t usually do this, but several speeches referenced halo. Yeah, some green light.
Aleks: And you were emceeing as well?
Eddy: I was emceeing, yes. We had lighting for both weddings. I emceed the true estate wedding. Yeah. Just really fun.
Aleks: Speaking of lighting, I think that is a really good example of our lights working hard on the dance floor, they looked epic. So if you’re listening to this episode, it’s likely that we haven’t put up the reel yet. Of.
Eddy: No, the reels done. I’m just going to add some music and throw it on. Confusion.
Aleks: Look at one. Look at a recent reel with the lighting, because, yeah, it looks amazing. Yeah, looks really good. And it’s a super modern venue with, you know, white walls and polished concrete floors. Very, very nice. And I think the lighting just looked. Yeah, yeah.
Eddy: Because they’ve got the white walls, the lighting splashes up just beautifully and the venue is great, too. So further into the night, they were dimming the lights. I love when a venue is onto their own lighting and they dim it at the appropriate times. Some of the venues, unfortunately, have an on and off situation, which is where we really, really do recommend our lighting, obviously. But, yeah, these guys were very much onto it. So shout out to Gemma and the team. And Gemma, it was their last day yesterday. She’s on annual leave. She’s going to get married. She’s getting married at Brown Brothers. So congratulations.
Aleks: Very nice. Yeah. Lovely team there. Yeah. As you mentioned, I had one wedding, very gorgeous wedding on Friday night for Laura and Joel at Stones of the Yarra valley, which is a beautiful, beautiful venue. Two hour drive in. But let’s not get into that. This is why I allow plenty of time. So I had loads of time when.
Eddy: I got there, particularly when you’re going from where we are, Brunswick, north to southeast. Southeast, yeah.
Aleks: On a Friday afternoon. Nightmare.
Eddy: Yep.
Aleks: Anyway, it was lovely. We had. We were doing. I was deejaying reception and we also had our photo booth, in which, as anyone who has spoken to me in the last 24 hours will know, I set up myself.
Eddy: All right. I’ll give you that.
Aleks: Hesitant.
Eddy: The hesitant applause.
Aleks: Yeah. For any DJs listening, you’ll know that. And some celebrants, actually. You’ve seen it happen, you’ll know that we have a sound team who normally sets up for me and Eddy. Eddy sometimes does his own.
Eddy: I actually did on my own this weekend.
Aleks: Yes. You also deserve a round of applause.
Eddy: Oh, yeah.
Aleks: Come on. Anyway, it was. I was sweaty, let’s just put it that way. But we had a backdrop for this one. Normally, our photo booth goes in, you know, using, like, a nice space in the venue or whatever, but the client wanted. The clients, I should say, wanted a nice, glitzy backdrop. So we hired that from our friend, the amazing jimbo.
Eddy: Shout out to the amazing jimbo.
Aleks: So that was really lovely, Bootha. Yeah. One of the two worked with Aggie from whole load of love creative, who referred us. Thank you so much. Aggie. Florals were amazing. The space looked amazing. Everyone was really into it. It was a really fun night and everyone loved the photo booth. The captures were super, super fun. So, yeah, really good. And I played the safety dance, as you may have seen. If you follow us on one more song, which I thought I was like, should I play it? The groom wanted it and I was like, this is a random request, but it went off. Yeah, I really like that song.
Eddy: It’s an awesome song.
Aleks: So, yeah, lots of fun. Who else was there I should mention? Oh, sorry. Yeah, Lucas. Eric was doing videography. And shout out, Chloe May was doing photography as well. So, yeah, great night. Great night.
Eddy: Fantastic. Okay, so let’s get on with today’s episode.
Aleks: It’s just us.
Eddy: It’s just us. Actually, you had a bit of a. What would you say?
Aleks: Like brainwave.
Eddy: A brain wave while you’re at the gym. While I was still sleeping. But, hey, I had a gig last night. So today we are going to talk about five mistakes to avoid at your wedding.
Aleks: I like this title because I feel like it’s clickbaity.
Eddy: It is a little bit more.
Aleks: Listens.
Eddy: It’s a little bit clickbaity, but look.
Aleks: There’s nothing clickbaity about it. This is real stuff. So we’ve been chatting a little bit over the last few weeks. Over. You know, obviously, we always talk about our weddings, but there’s just been sort of reflecting and there’s been some common mistakes that we’ve seen that we would like you to avoid. So we thought we’d just share those. There are kind of five key ones that we’ll cover today. I think we’ll probably do another episode with some more later on. And look, they’re not make or break, you know, mistakes, but they will have a material impact on your big day.
Eddy: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So, obviously, as Aleks mentioned, we have been doing a bit of reflecting. We almost played 150 weddings last year. So, you know, we’ve seen a few things that could be improved. Could be improved, absolutely. But, yeah, like Aleks said, they’re definitely not make and break. They’re just little tidbits that perhaps you can just polish up.
Aleks: Yep. And I think there are a lot of vendors that we work with who would agree with these as well. So let’s get into them.
Eddy: Okay, so I’ll take number one away, if that’s okay.
Aleks: Do it.
Eddy: Okay, so number one, missing out on cocktail hour. Yeah, this is where it’s great to do. First look photos. We highly recommend these. So, first look, meaning that you’re taking photos before your wedding begins?
Aleks: Yes, before your ceremony begins. We’re seeing this a lot with, with couples and basically what it means is you’re there straight after the ceremony, so you can enjoy that really, really fun part of your wedding, which is you’ve just gotten married. You know, it feels like the super formal part is sort of over and it’s time to party. So there’s a really, you know, high energy that occurs after the ceremony. So it’s such a shame if you miss out on it by going off to take photos for an hour, you know?
Eddy: Absolutely. There’s so many endorphins running high and you’ve got your friends and your family there. Everything’s very celebratory. Hugs, kisses, tunes. Don’t. Don’t leave that moment.
Aleks: Yeah, that’s right. And speaking of tunes, if you’ve booked professional entertainment, so you’ve got a DJ or, you know, an acoustic duo or something playing for cocktail hour, you’re gonna miss out if you go miss.
Eddy: Get on your own party, guys.
Aleks: Your own party that you’ve, you know, organised and paid for and you’ve carefully selected these suppliers and you’re missing out on their fine work, so don’t do it. And I think a lot of photographers would agree with the first photos.
Eddy: Yes.
Aleks: And I would say, look, there is still the possibility of doing some very quick family portraits, if that’s what you’re after, if you want some group photos with particular, you know, family members or whatever it is, but you can do those in the cocktail hour space. So that’s kind of a good compromise.
Eddy: Absolutely. You’ve still got a cocktail in your hand, you’re still vibing to the tunes, but there’ll be ten or 15 minutes where you are doing those portraits. But you’re still there.
Aleks: You’re still there. And remember, you’ve got golden hour. You’ve got that sunset time later on in the night where you can get those super romantic, moody shots and they only take, you know, 1520 minutes. So you’ve still got an opportunity to do extra portraits. Definitely. But they won’t take anywhere near as long as doing all of your portraits straight after ceremony.
Eddy: That’s exactly right.
Aleks: Could not recommend that more. Number two, do you want to do it?
Eddy: No, I did number one.
Aleks: Oh, true, true. Number two is busting out bangers before your DJ starts.
Eddy: Oh, okay. So what do you mean by this one?
Aleks: We’ve seen this quite a bit lately. Basically, what it means is if your DJ isn’t there playing tunes for cocktail hour and you’ve got a playlist instead. Like a Spotify playlist or whatever. Don’t play bangers that your DJ probably will want to play later on when they begin.
Eddy: Yeah. And all it takes is if, say, yeah, like Aleks said, if we’re not part of that that day and you’ve got a Spotify playlist, send it through to us so we can have a bit of a look. Or, you know, we can. We can even curate a Spotify playlist for you, potentially, so we can quote on that just to make sure that we’re not doubling up on tracks. We’ve got the vibe and the energy right at the time. Something like that.
Aleks: Yeah, that’s right. And look, cocktail hour, you know, people are talking loudly, they’re mingling. I’ve seen bangers busted out and it’s just wasted.
Eddy: Also, I’ve seen, like, you know, things that you’d expect to be cocktail hour and then, like, followed by, like, something that’s like a hell raising dance. I mean, and then back to a.
Aleks: I mean, this is a wider conversation around why you should hire a professional.
Eddy: No, no, no. It’s been interesting to see a ballad.
Aleks: Like an acoustic cover followed by, like, I’ve heard, like, Rhiannon, Calvin Harris. It’s like, whoa, bam. Bit early and it’s just wasted. You know, you want a really good, upbeat, fun atmosphere for cocktail hour. Definitely. But you don’t want those kind of late night bangers. And what we’ve done is when couples have sent us through cocktail hour playlists where we’re not there playing cocktail hour, we’ve actually advised or asked them to remove certain songs that we want to play ourselves.
Eddy: Yeah. I want to take you back to your comment on, like, obviously, late night bangers, but, you know, these playlists could also include things that we would may want to spin, not necessarily in the dance floor, but leading up to the dance floor as well, to get people in the mood to party.
Aleks: That’s right.
Eddy: So there are certain songs that I’ll always reserve for those particular times.
Aleks: Yeah, within the brief, right?
Eddy: Absolutely. Within the brief. Because I know, you know, for those that are drinking how many drinks they’ve had and how close we are to not just perhaps dance lore, but leading up to a speech or leading up to another key moment to kind of get those juices flowing again, get that vibe up, ready to go for those moments.
Aleks: Yeah. We know the impact of particular songs.
Eddy: Yeah.
Aleks: So we just want to make sure you’re getting, you know, the best possible use of those songs, if that makes sense. So yeah, don’t bust out the bangers before your DJ starts or at least cheque with your DJ, you know. And I’ve had a couple of clients email me their cocktail hour playlists this week and I’ve just said hey, do you mind removing this song and this song? Yeah, so I can play it at dinner or right before, you know, speeches or whatever. And they’ve been fine with it, they’ve actually appreciated the input. So yeah, definitely have a chat to your DJ about music that’s been played before they begin.
Eddy: Awesome. Number three, this is a funny one, having an unreliable MC.
Aleks: This is a favourite topic of ours.
Eddy: Wedding vendor has had this happen to them at some stage in their careers. So we have spoken about this many times, I’m sure on the podcast if anywhere. But the MC role is obviously so much more than just reading out the announcements and introducing the speeches.
Aleks: You say obviously but unfortunately for us. For us. But the MC’s are quite shocked on the night at what they’re expected to be doing.
Eddy: Look, it is a pretty tall order. There’s a quite a bit of coordination involved, particularly between the couple guests and obviously the venue themselves. If you’re talking about food service, coordinating with the other vendors like photography, videography to get ready for certain moments. So it is quite a bit.
Aleks: Yeah, there’s quite a bit involved in poor MC’s. You don’t know what’s, what’s coming, don’t have a run. I’ve had MC’s who don’t have a run.
Eddy: Shit.
Aleks: Yeah, full on. And we just can’t stress it enough. We’ve said it before, if you haven’t got a family member or a friend who can adequately fulfil this role, ask if your celebrant can do it or your DJ can do it. Because it’s pretty common for celebrants and DJ’s to offer MC an MC service. They will be all over it. And you know, if you think about it, it’s in our best interest to keep the night running to time and to schedule so that we’re in control and you have maximum dancing time.
Eddy: And we’ve had, you know, we’ve all had rogue, quote unquote rogue MC’s, you know, starting to talk over the music and disappearing.
Aleks: Disappearing MC’s.
Eddy: And yes you get all types.
Aleks: I think I mentioned one where the MC announced the final lot of speeches and the couple had just ducked out with the photographer to do sunset photos. Yeah. So please, please, please consider it. And having said that, there have been a few occasions where the MC’s have been excellent.
Eddy: Oh, yeah.
Aleks: But they have been sober out. They have had detailed notes and a detailed run sheet. They’ve run around all night checking in with everyone. It’s still a bit, you know, it’s a big ask. Huge ask.
Eddy: It’s a huge ask.
Aleks: Some people love doing it.
Eddy: There are some people that absolutely love doing it.
Aleks: School teachers. Oh, yeah. Anyone like that?
Eddy: Well, and that’s another thing. You got to be able to command your audience as well, to a certain degree.
Aleks: Yeah.
Eddy: So you’ve got to have that. No, I wouldn’t say pushiness, but assertiveness.
Aleks: Yeah, definitely. Yeah. So there’s a lot involved. Please think about it because, yeah, it can push out all of the timings.
Eddy: Yeah.
Aleks: And kind of leave very little room for the party. So, yeah, please, please consider that.
Eddy: All right.
Aleks: Number four, not setting a time limit for speeches.
Eddy: This is a good one.
Aleks: Most of our couples are pretty good at this.
Eddy: Yeah.
Aleks: But you’ve got to be extremely strict with these time limits.
Eddy: You really do. There’s always, like one or maybe two speakers that are doing speeches that are known for not rambling, but, like, you know, taking their speech waffling to the next level. So three to five minutes is the hard and fast rule. And, you know, it will. It will throw your night off. If speeches. Look, it’s going to eat into your dance floor time, basically. Speeches. If they’re going to go for an hour, then, you know, you can have 40 minutes left. Dancing time.
Aleks: Even. Even. Obviously, for us, the dance floor, you know, timing thing is huge. But for the guests as well, sitting there for an hour, potentially not having a drink, refilled, fidgeting is not great.
Eddy: Well, I think as a side note to this, obviously, with the time limit of speeches, if you’ve got, say, more than four speeches, maybe you’ve got six or seven speeches. It is a good idea to break them up.
Aleks: We always say that, you know, to give.
Eddy: Give your guests, give the couples some time to, you know, go to the bathroom or recharge their glasses and all that kind of stuff. So it is good to split that as a side note. But, yeah, in general, if you can’t say what you need to say in three minutes, then I don’t know.
Aleks: Yeah, I think normally three minutes is a really good thumb. Three to five minutes, I would say.
Eddy: Yeah. Per speech. Yeah. Yeah. We’ll say an extra two as a bonus.
Aleks: I think it’s also, if you give someone a time limit, they’re more likely to really focus what theirs they want to say rather than allowing that ad libbing time, because that’s when you run into trouble, is when people just go on and on and have no structure to what they’re saying. Whereas if you say, right, you’ve got three to five minutes, time it, practise it, they’re more likely to have, you know, a proper written speech, which is.
Eddy: Example, you know, some of the best speeches I’ve ever heard have been about three minutes.
Aleks: Yes.
Eddy: They get straight to the point. It’s very heartfelt, there’s a little bit of humour there. It just ticks all the boxes and it’s just short, sharp and shiny.
Aleks: Yeah, definitely shiny. I like it. Yeah, we’re zooming through these.
Eddy: We are zooming through number five kind of hinted this in number four, but not allocating enough time for your dance floor.
Aleks: Yeah. And look, I think this is something that isn’t considered until later on. So this is if the dance floor is important to you, and I’m assuming it is because you’re listening to this podcast, then you need to understand, when you’re looking at venues, how they work in terms of timing. Some venues, particularly if you’re looking at a sit down reception, some venues have extremely strict timings in relation to food service, clearing when speeches need to happen, etcetera. So that is a conversation that you need to have super early on with whoever is, you know, your venue contact.
Eddy: Yeah. So number one, definitely with the venue, but number two, speaking to all of your vendors, once you get.
Aleks: Once you’ve booked in, I’m saying, even before you’ve booked your venue, you want to know this upfront if they’re not going to budge and not allow enough time for dance floor.
Eddy: Yeah.
Aleks: Because of the way their kitchen works or catering or whatever. Like, this is a question to ask at the outset.
Eddy: Yeah, I mean, obviously if the dance floor is important to you, as Aleks mentioned, so. Yeah, you probably wouldn’t be listening to this podcast if it wasn’t.
Aleks: Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Eddy: But, yeah, definitely, yeah.
Aleks: And you. Yeah, as you mentioned, definitely working with your vendors in the lead up on the run sheet.
Eddy: Yeah. And this is a really interesting point because each vendor will have absolute nuggets and gems for you based on their role on the day and their experience. So for us, you know, the golden rule is to get your formalities done. Let’s all jump on the dance hall and have a ripper night, obviously, where DJ’s after all. But the venue is obviously very tied up with food service and things like that.
Aleks: Bar service, bar service.
Eddy: The photographer. Very mindful of golden hour. Very mindful of golden hour at that time. Closer to the dance floor. Same with your videographer. So there are different tidbits, I suppose, in relation to who you speaking to. But ask everybody, ask all of your vendors and yeah, you get something that’s pretty bang on.
Aleks: Yeah. And look, your venue will generally provide you with a template run sheet to start. So that’s your starting point.
Eddy: Yeah.
Aleks: Have a look at that. Change anything that you want with the venue and then send that run sheet, that draught run sheet to all of your vendors and get them to input.
Eddy: That is perfect.
Aleks: Yeah. So we would typically say allocate two and a half, at least two and a half hours for dance floor. 3 hours if you can push it, obviously for a five hour reception. If it’s a sit down, sometimes 3 hours.
Eddy: Yeah.
Aleks: Is not achievable, I think. Look.
Eddy: Yeah, I think that’s a great point. I think looking at 3 hours. But if it’s degrade or what’s the word I’m looking for? Degrades or something. Degrades, degrades. You know, if two points. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Sorry, I am tired. Then you’ve still got two and a half hours of dancing.
Aleks: That’s amazing. Right. Always say, just like try and push for three. But if things are running behind, totally fine.
Eddy: Where we start to get worried is when things are being pushed out, pushed out, pushed out. And you’re looking like hour 15 hours and a half. You’re like, oh, you know.
Aleks: Yeah. Cuz then you’re trying to just bust out all the couples requests. You don’t really have time to consider guest requests. And it’s just a bit.
Eddy: It’s rushed and not to get too like woo woo. But it does start to meddle a little bit with the flow of your DJ.
Aleks: Does it? Does, yeah. That’s probably another. Another episode. That’s.
Eddy: Yeah, that’s really actually that was the podcast we were going to do.
Aleks: Sorry, I thought this one was better.
Eddy: This one is amazing.
Aleks: I just want to finish just on the run. Cheap point as well. I have had a situation just. You mentioned sunset photos before.
Eddy: Yeah.
Aleks: I’ve had situations where depending on the time of year the photographer wanted to take. And you’ve had this as well. Wanted to take the couple and wedding party out for sunset photos, like pretty much straight after the dance floor has.
Eddy: Nothing kills a dance floor more than if the couple and the whole of the wedding party are just taken away after the dance floor starts.
Aleks: After it starts. And again, as we were mentioning, with cocktail hour, it means you’re missing out on the dance floor. So I always say it’s better to push the dance floor back by 15 minutes and get your sunset photos done, or depending on the time of year, do them later on in the dance floor and have the dance will start earlier. So you’re not kind of just there at the beginning and then just rushing off, because like you said, it kills the dance floor.
Eddy: It really does.
Aleks: Yeah. So this is where there’s some coordination between your photographer and your DJ or musician.
Eddy: And the MC and MC venue and everybody.
Aleks: Lots to do, lots to do.
Eddy: Are there any books? Notable mentions off the back of this five?
Aleks: I think we talked about lighting, and we have talked about it before, so please just ask your venue about what the lighting situation is. Once the dance floor kicks off, once it starts to get dark, what do they do? Can they dim? Does it just go off? Do they recommend extra lighting?
Eddy: It’s a really good huge. It’s definitely one of the things that is pretty much as soon as I, or obviously even before speaking to the venue and the leader. But one of the things I make a point to do is to have a chat with whoever’s in charge quite early on, saying, good point. You know, what is the lighting situation?
Aleks: What is the dim?
Eddy: It was really good last night because they were progressively dimming the lighting as the night wow went on. I mean, that’s ideal, which is really nice. I noticed things like, they were really.
Aleks: Onto that, you know, good on you, Gemma and team. Yeah, that’s amazing. One last thing I wanted to say, and this is an obvious one, is enjoy your own wedding. Like, is it obvious or, like, don’t. And this is in the planning stages. Right. You know, the run she. The format of the wedding, like, if you’ve got 200 people, a sit down, is going to be painful for you to get around and talk to people. The guest list, have you invited extended family that you haven’t seen for 20 years? Like, are you gonna have to catch up with them at your own wedding instead of being on the dance floor, you know, busting a move? All these things to consider. There’s things you can do to make sure that you have a great time and also just be present and enjoy yourself.
Eddy: Yeah. So a couple of things stemming off of what you just mentioned. Number one, if you do have a massive guest list. And you are really worried about getting across everybody, making sure you have a conversation with everybody. One, I just, you know, and a lot of our couples are like this. We’re gonna be on the dance floor. If you wanna have a chat, just, I love that. Come and meet me on the dance floor. You can also look at the, the idea of, like the next day having like a recovery party, which is really, really cool as well. And also, you know, back to your saying, enjoy your wedding.
Aleks: Yeah.
Eddy: Water off a duck’s back. Like, things happen at weddings.
Aleks: Yes. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Eddy: Don’t sweat the small stuff. And you know, you’ve chosen your vendors really, really wisely. They can handle it. Something’s gonna go awry. Trust them to get onto it and to smooth it out. And most of the time, you probably won’t even know that it’s happened.
Aleks: That’s right. So choose your vendors wisely, trust the process, and then just let them. Let the professionals take care of on the night and have a bloody good night.
Eddy: Well, I think we should end it on that note. End it on a hype, definitely.
Aleks: We’re off for drinks. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Next up, you’re probably listening to this on a Monday, so enjoy your week.
Eddy: Enjoy your week.
Aleks: Thanks, guys.
Eddy: Thank you so much for listening.
Aleks: Bye.
Eddy: We’ll catch you soon.
Aleks: Thanks for tuning in. If you’re enjoying Project Engaged, please hit the subscribe button on your fav podcast app.
Eddy: You can also follow us on Instagram, @projectengaged and @onemoresongdjs.
Aleks: We’ll see you next time. And until then, have fun out there.